Using a dedicated server, you will get a standalone real server, used by you and you only. Look at the video display to see how the dedicated web hosting plans provided by SoftNet Hosting can benefit your web sites and tasks.

By having a dedicated server from SoftNet Hosting you’ll get a server, designed with established, solid and carefully screened hardware elements. In this manner, we try to decrease all potential hardware outages, that happen to be common with brand new and untested components. At the same time, all dedicated servers are located in the datacenter in the USA, that offers second to none connectivity, power and cooling solutions.

With each and every of the servers, additionally you can pick the OS. We offer CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu, three of the very most stable and safe Linux distributions, that you can get. Additionally, every one of them provides significant support communities, which will help you address any issue you run into.

With each and every dedicated server, additionally, you will get a great deal of 100% free bonuses. You have 3 specific dedicated IP addresses, a free billing software in addition to a absolutely free domain name reseller account. And when you choose Debian, you can also make the most of SoftNet Hosting’s free Online Control Panel, which in turn by itself is an excellent source of a ton of free of charge website tools.